Photo by Uli


The photo is from 2008, the year when I was second in the Hawaii Ironman. I had saved the Spiuk Kronos helmet that I wore that day during this time for remembrance of that great moment. Now there is the opportunity to give this Spiuk Kronos a better use, during the benefit gala for Tri W.W.W., to be held next February 18 at Sands Beach here in Lanzarote, we will raffle this cherished memory. You may already know the price of it in store, but the sentimental price is enormous so I sincerely hope that you support this initiative and buy some tickets for this raffle that is open to anyone who wants to participate and help Tri W.W.W. from wherever you are.


The procedure is simple, each raffle ticket is 5 €, you can buy as many tickets as you want. Simply make a deposit (in multiples of 5) on behalf of the association TRi WWW – account: La Caja de Canarias CC # N ° 2052 8077 11 3310143008 – account holder: TRi WWW Assn # IBAN ES54 2052 8077 11 3310143008. Then send a copy of the Money transfer receipt to the following email address: Along with your contact information: Name, email adress and phone number. The last day to purchase the tickets is February 16.


We really hope that you participate, the more money we raise more resources will be provided to athletes of Tri W.W.W. to practice their favorite sport. Thank you!