I am on my way to «El Anillo» («The Ring») in Cáceres, on Saturday I compite there in the Cross Triathlon World Championships. It will be the first championship of this kind to be disputed ever. Previously I’ve raced Spanish and Europeans Cross Triathlon championships achieving victory in both, but will be the first worlds for all participants and for all is a new championship and we are looking forward to see who will be «The Lord of the Ring». At the starting line the level will be very high, US and France are coming with strongs team and Conrad Stoltz 4 times Xterra World Champion is also on the entry list. I have raced them all at Xterras, the real mountain triathlons, but never in a Triathlon Cross. And the differences between the two tests are significant, starting with the distances 1,5-30-10 in Xterra against 1-20-6 in Triathlon Cross, but mostly the biggest difference is in the kind of circuits, they tend to be tough and technical circuits in Xterra and Triathlon Cross circuits are usually faster and easier. As far as I’m concerned there are things that cross triathlon can benefit me, since I do not put many hours of training on the mountain bike a less technical circuit could play in my favor, but the short distances are against me especially considering that I am immersed in the preparation for the Ironman Texas that I’m racing on the 21st of May. No doubt on Saturday at 18:30 when we get started this will not matter, the race will be the same for everyone and I will have to focus on giving everything without forgetting to enjoy the race. I’ll kep you informed this days about my time in Caceres through my Facebook and Twitter (@enekollanos) and for those racing I’m looking forward to see you all in Cáceres.
Good luck to everybody!!