First thing this week was this:

The GC Aero BH had already gone through my brother Hektor’s fitting skills and now came the turn of the road bike, BH G5. I use my road bike less, since I don´t race in many drafting triathlons lately but I like to use it in trainings especially in early season and in those days I want to ride in a more relaxed position, a little change and variety are always welcome. As a result of the Retül Bikefit we did in 3BAT we put the saddle 1.5 cms. higher and 0.5 more forward. The handlebar down a little and we substitute the stem for a 120mm. one. Changes in the GC Aero Bikefit following the Bikefit have been awesome and I’m looking for the same results on the G5.

Otherwise the week has not been big news, I have recovered well from Abu Dhabi, the truth having run there only 10 kilometers of which 4 were at a very slow pace I didnot expect to stay very tired, and so it proved. The stomach yet has given me a little tin but has gradually returned to its site. The 200 kms. bike ride in AD was a good workout 😉 and my feelings on the bike these last days are very good. So I had a solid week of training, not too big in volume (25 hours) or intensity. I think I’m ready to play on April 3rd at I Can Marbella triathlon. If you are going to be in Marbella for the I Can I hope this tapering week goes well and see you there, everyone else good luck in your training and competitions!