Before Texas Ironman next day 21 I needed an Ironman training week, more miles forgetting a little about intensity. I’ve many miles in the legs, probably enough for Texas, but psychologically I needed to have that feeling of putting hours and hours that I was missing. This week numbers are: 20.500m. swimming, 600Kms. bike, 100 kms. run and two gym sessions. The hard day was Wednesday with 6 hours on my bike doing one of my preIronman classic loops, Trespaderne, with many miles to ride in the aero position, followed by a transition of 45′ run, I completed the day with 5000 meters of swimming in the afternoon, which amounted to a total of 8 hours of training that day. The other days were similar with bike rides around 4-5 hours and a long session of run of 2h10′ on thursday with some 500 in the middle to keep the spark. After this week I remain calm, on Sunday I had my rest day and a bit tired but I feel I have absorbed all the good job. The next two weeks are easier, time to taper, with less work to get in the best shape to Texas.


Good training to everybody!!